Since 5/2021 Assistant Professor (tenured), Department Interdisciplinary Social Sciences & European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Utrecht University
Since 2/2018 Assistant Professor, University of Groningen
2/2015-4/2018 Post-Doc NORFACE project 'Migrants'Attitudes towards the Welfare State'(MIFARE), Prof. Claudia Diehl, University of Konstanz
4/2015 PhD defense 'Over-Education of Immigrants in Germany'(magna cum laude), Berlin Graduate School of Social Science, Berlin Humboldt University
Supervisors: Professor Ruud Koopmans and Professor Anette Fasang
9/2009-6/2011 Master of Science in Sociology and Social Research, Graduate School of Social and Behavioral Science, Utrecht University
Master thesis: Job Search Methods among Non-Western Immigrants in the Netherlands. GPA: 3.9
Supervisor: Professor Frank van Tubergen
9/2006-6/2009 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Chair of Statistics and Social Methods, University of Mannheim
Bachelor thesis: Social Capital-an International Comparison. The Influence of Social Capital and Political Trust on the Satisfaction with Democracy in Germany and the Netherlands. GPA: 3.8
Supervisor: Professor Joseph Brüderle
4/2023 NWO Open Competition XS Grant for the project ‘Why do contacts with natives increase migrants’ chances on the labor market? The role of system knowledge’(~ 50,000 €)
12/2022 GAK-NIAS research fellowship granted at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) the project “Explaining Variation in Access to Welfare Services and Benefits among Migrants in the Netherlands, start Feb 2024
11/2022 Seed money Migration and Societal Challenges Grant for the project: How to raise our children – The role of networks for migrants’ attitudes towards formal childcare
4/2022 PhD Fund Utrecht University (with Dr. Marleen Damman, Utrecht University) for the project: Retirement Preparations among Migrants in Europe. Funding for 1 PhD student for 4 years (1fte)
11/2021 Seed money Migration and Societal Challenges Grant for the project: The Link between System Knowledge and Healthcare Behavior among Turkish Migrants in the Netherlands (~ 9000 €)
12/2020 LISS Panel Grant (with Dr. Mara Yerkes, Utrecht University) for the project "From perceptions to
behaviour? Examining knowledge barriers to formal childcare usage among Dutch parents"
9/2020 Summer School Grant (with Dr. Basak Bilecen) for the organization of the Summer School on
Migration, Integration, and Social Networks, University of Groningen
9/2015-2/2017 Konstanzia Fellowship, University of Konstanz
2/2016 Independent Research Start-Up Grant (IRSG), Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz
4/2013-2/2015 Doctoral scholarship awarded by the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
10/2011-3/2013 Doctoral scholarship awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), funded by the Initiative for Excellence Program of the German Federal and State Governments
9/2010-8/2011 German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst [DAAD]
9/2010-8/2011 Student Scholarship awarded by the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
9/2009-8/2011 Utrecht Excellence Scholarship, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Since 2/2018 Member of the Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS), the
12/2016 Visiting scholar, Aalborg University, Department of Political Science, Aalborg, Denmark (Professor Christian Larsen)
1/2014 – 2/2015 Guest researcher, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), Research Unit “Migration, Integration and Transnationalization”, Berlin, Germany ( Professor Ruud Koopmans)
9/2013-12/2013 Visiting Assistant in Research, Centre of Research on Inequalities and Life Course (CIQLE), Yale University, New Haven, USA (Professor Richard Breen)
2/2013-3/2013 Guest researcher , Economic Change, Quality of Life and Social Cohesion (EQUALSOC) Oxford University, Oxford, England (Professor Nan Dirk de Graaf and Professor Duncan Gallie)
9/2012-11/2012 Guest researcher , Institute of Social Science, University of ZurichZurich, Switzerland (Professor Marc Szydlik)
12/2011- 4/2015 Guest researcher, research unit Migration, Integration, Transnationalization, WZB Social Science Center Berlin (Professor Ruud Koopmans)
05/2021-07/2021 Leeronderzoek, Utrecht University
11/2020-01/2021 Master Course Work and Work Relations (Dutch), Sociology Department, University of Groningen
(coordinator and teacher)
9/2020-11/2020 Bachelor Lecture Social and Institutional Change (Dutch and English), Sociology Department, University of Groningen (coordinator and teacher)
9/2020-2/2021 Bachelor Course European Values (Dutch), Sociology Department, University of Groningen (teacher)
Since 9/2019 In the acquisition of the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ), University of Groningen (expected date of acquisition: May 2021)
11/2019-2/2020 Master Course Work and Work Relations (Dutch and English), Sociology Department, University of Groningen (coordinator and teacher)
09/2019-11/2019 Bachelor Lecture Social and Institutional Change (Dutch and English), Sociology Department, University of Groningen (coordinator and teacher)
02/2019-06/2019 Bachelor Seminar Writing the Bachelor Thesis (Dutch and English), Sociology Department,
University of Groningen (teacher)
12/2018-8/2019 Supervision Master Theses (Dutch and English), Sociology Department, University of Groningen
9/2018-11/2018 Co-teaching Bachelor Lecture Social and Institutional Change, Department of Sociology, University of Groningen
10/2016-2/2017 Bachelor Seminar Migration and Gender, Department of Sociology, University of Konstanz
4/2016-7/2016 Bachelor Seminar Migration and the Welfare State, Department of Sociology, University of Konstanz
9/2011-1/2012 University of Zurich (Professor Marco van Steenbergen and Professor Thomas Gautschi), Zurich,
9/2012-1/2013 Switzerland
2/2008-6/2008 Teaching Assistant for Social Structures and Processes, Chair of Macro Sociology, University of
2/2009-6/2009 Mannheim ( Professor Bernhard Ebbinghaus), Mannheim, Germany
9/2020 Organizer of the stream Migration, Integration, and the Welfare State (with Karen
Breidahl, Aalborg University), ESPAnet Conference, Leuven University
6/2020 "Targeting Older Migrant Populations in Survey Research", IMISCOE Annual Conference,
11/2019 "Targeting Migrants – How to Increase Response Rates among Migrant Populations in Surveys", Sociology Department, Konstanz University
9/2019 Organizer of the Stream Migration and the Welfare State (with Troels Hedegaard, Aalborg
University), ESPAnet Conference, Stockholm University
9/2019 "Examining migrants’ knowledge about their childcare rights in Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany", ESPAnet Conference, Stockholm University
8/2019 "Immigrants’ knowledge about their childcare rights in Denmark, the Netherlands, and
Germany," RC28 Conference, Princeton University
8/2019 "Examining migrants’ knowledge about their healthcare rights", Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York
6/2019 "Social Network Building among Migrant Men and Women", Dag van de Sociologie, University of Amsterdam
3/ 2019 "Integration of migrants into host societies: Barriers and Facilitators", Symposium Interdisciplinary Inspiration: Let’s talk about disadvantaged groups”, University of Groningen
10/2018 "Migrants as beneficiaries of the welfare state? - A migrant perspective", Community in Crisis Workshop, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany
10/2017 The Compatibility of Work and Family Life among Female Migrants in Europe"". Sociology Department, Zurich University
4/2017 “Why Family Matters: A Gender Perspective on the Emergence of Social Contacts to Natives among Migrants in Germany”, RC28 Spring Conference “Social Stratification and Mobility”, Cologne, Germany
4/2017 “Educational Trajectories and Migration Background” (with Maarten Buis, University of Konstanz), ”, RC28 Spring Conference “Social Stratification and Mobility”, Cologne, Germany
8/2016 “The Family’s Influence on Inter-Ethnic Contact among Immigrants: A Gender Perspective”, RC28 Spring Conference “Economic Inequalities, Deprivation, and Poverty”, Bern, Switzerland
7/2016 “Migrants’ Attitudes to Childcare. An explorative Overview of ten Migrant Groups’ Attitudes to formal childcare in the Netherlands and Denmark”, 4th European Social Survey Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland
1/2016 “Barriers for Female Migrants on the German Labor Market”, Key note speaker, Conference of Migrantinnen- Netzwerk Bayern, Nürnberg, Germany
11/2015 Expert participant at public panel discussion about “Immigration, Integration, Intolerance!?”, Science controversial, Wissenschaft im Dialog and Südkurier Newspaper,
7/2014 “Social Support in Partnerships and Immigrant Labor Market Outcomes in Germany?”, XVIII International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology,RC28 Spring Conference “Social Stratification and Mobility”, Yokohama, Japan
5/2014 “Immigrant Over-Education in Germany: Human Capital Variation or Skill Underutilization?”, International Sociological Association, RC28 “Social Stratification and Mobility”, Central European University Budapest, Hungary
2/2014 “The Partner’s Role in Immigrant Labor Market Integration: Informational, Instrumental and Emotional Support” Graduate Network Conference, Sciences Po, Paris
3/2013 “Determinants of Over-Education among newly arrived immigrants in Germany”, Graduate Network Conference, London School of Economics and Political Science, London
3/2012 “Qualified Immigrants in Germany and Great Britain: The Risk of becoming Over-Educated and its Consequences for the Occupational Pathway”, Graduate Network Conference, Berlin, Germany
3/2012 “Qualified Immigrants in Germany and Great Britain: The Risk of becoming Over-Educated and its Consequences for the Occupational Pathway”, Graduate Network Conference, Berlin, Germany